USK is a Member of the RPI Group and offers the world-renowned In-Situ Bioremediation technology installation for quick and effective cleanup of soil and groundwater contaminated by hydrocarbons and chlorinated organic compounds using the cutting-edge Trap & Treat® technology.
See results from successful real projects around the world - Case Studies
BOS 200® - Total Turnaround For Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination
BOS 200® is a Trap & Treat® in situ remediation technology specifically designed to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons, related solvents, and oils. BOS 200® is a complete system effecting accelerated biodegradation of various organic compounds on an activated carbon platform that includes micro and macro nutrients, time release terminal electron acceptors, and a blend of facultative organisms designed to flourish within the aerobic to anaerobic conditions present in the pore structure of the carbon. It has been demonstrated to be effective with LNAPL, fuel oxygenates, alcohols, glycols, and cyclic ethers. No toxic byproducts such as sulfide are produced. The product is insensitive to groundwater geochemistry and is effective under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and over a broad range of pH. High salinity and TDS of 30,000 ppm are also not detrimental to performance.
BOS 200® eats through pollution without eating through your budget or wasting precious time. Quick property transfers and reduced liability are just a few of the fringe benefits of BOS 200®, which is known for its safety, ease of use, and protection of surrounding property.
BOS 200+® - Total Turnaround For Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination
OS 200+® extends the capabilities of the time-tested, field-proven BOS 200®. We’ve expanded our proprietary consortium of facultative microbes. And we pre-condition the activated carbon base with complex carbohydrates, amino acids, and nutrients. As with BOS 200®, time-released terminal electron acceptors are also included. These changes support the vigorous and persistent decomposition of LNAPL, lube oils, crude oil, fuel oxygenates, alcohols, glycols, and cyclic ethers. The technology is a boon for significantly impacted sites and heavy hydrocarbons.
Through the select addition of carbohydrates, amino acids, and nutrients, BOS 200+® is the first and only remediation product that leverages microbial nutrition to generate metabolic products that degrade hydrocarbons and build a robust microbial community. The proprietary microbes supplied with BOS 200+® include known hydrocarbon degraders such as Pseudomonas and microbes that support the hydrocarbon degraders. The combination builds a hydrocarbon-degrading community organized around microbial metabolism. This is an entirely new approach to hydrocarbon remediation.
BOS 100® - Complete Remediation for Chlorinated Solvent Contamination
BOS 100® “traps” contaminants, then treats them with a safe, effective reductive dechlorination process. The specially formulated particles protect groundwater throughout the cleanup cycle, completely neutralizing chlorinated contamination in less time and at less expense. Effective for a variety of chlorinated solvents, BOS 100® reactant quickly brings your property up to regulatory standards and remains active in the subsurface for an extended period of time. What does that mean for users? No stress, no additional mess…smaller costs and dramatically reduced liability. Best of all, BOS 100® traps and treats groundwater and soil contamination the first time around!
CAT 100® - Remediation for Chlorinated Solvent Contamination that keeps on working
CAT 100 is a fusion of RPI®’s BOS 100® and biotechnology to produce a technology capable of achieving results beyond the capabilities of either one alone. Electron transfer, the heart of all contaminant fermentation processes, is promoted as the contaminant binds to the metal, creating an electrical connection extending throughout the carbon. An electron pump created by slow fermentation of complex carbohydrates and peptides feeds electrons to the conductor, which shuttles them to the site of depletion. In this process, the metallic iron facilitates catalytic fermentation of the contaminant without significant depletion of the iron. This overall cycle enables the fermentation of far more contaminant mass than would be estimated by simple iron demand.
To cater to our African clientele, Microbial Insights has established a state-of-the-art laboratory and distribution center in Johannesburg, South Africa. This local presence ensures rapid dispatch of sample kits and seamless shipping for DNA extraction and processing, guaranteeing quicker turnaround times and enhanced project support.
Seamless Operations and Expert Support
We are committed to smooth operations and effective communication. Our comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) guide you through every sampling and sample handling step, ensuring accuracy and consistency. Access SOPs and key information here.
Our team of experts is ready to offer personalized support and answer any inquiries. Contact us today at or
Why Choose Microbial Insights?
Proven track record: As the pioneer of this field, Microbial Insights has decades of experience in molecular biological tools.
Innovative Solutions: Advanced technologies tailored to industry-specific challenges.
Local Access: Quick and easy access to services through our Johannesburg hub serving the rest of Africa.
Partner with USK and Microbial Insights to harness the full potential of microbial diagnostics and molecular biological tools in Africa. Together, we are dedicated to providing the insights you need to drive innovation and success in your field.
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